Thursday, 31 March 2011

The Whole Sad Story

"Cuts Activists in Betrayed by Cops Shocker!"

The Humanity!

Members of the group "UK Uncut" were licking their wounds recently after being tricked by police, activists claim. After hanging about casually in Fortnum and Mason singing songs, the group of between 150 and 200 activists were asked to leave by the police. The group alledges that the Met promised them a safe release, citing their peaceful sit in as enough to let them go.

The group then claims it was tricked, diverted outside and arrested by cops who were reported to have said, "Of course we'll let you go, to the police station!" This witticism was not enough for the protestors, who thought it rather unfair that they'd been arrested when someone promised they wouldn't be.

Where does this leave us? This blogger is duly shocked to note that the six foot ball of rage dressed in black body armour and weilding a cugdel turned out to not be a nice guy. My faith in the police has been severely undermined by them having the audacity to lie to people.

Alright, srsly?

I feel for UK Uncut. I really do. They pretty much all got arrested and charged with aggravated tresspass, with an ease that would be not unlike shooting fish in a barrel. A small barrel. With a machinegun. But at the same time, there seems to have been so much naiveity rolling around it is almost shocking. You mean the police actually tricked you into coming outside to get arrested more easily? How could they be so cunning and underhand.

Methinks in future, if you are going to commit aggravated tresspass, it's probably better to be dragged out kicking and screaming and beaten into submission infront of the world's media. Perhaps that would shatter any remaining illusions about the nice guys in black who beat people with clubs for money.

Unfortunately, that's all I've got time for today. I know you're disappointed that I didn't go into a big serious political rant about the awesome carnage that unfolded over the weekend. I can practically hear the sighs of disappointment. Anyway, I'll be going to one of those job interviews. Those fancy things were you prostrate yourself in a dehumanizing way in order to get a job so that you can afford to live. Often thought extinct following the global economic meltdown in 2008.

And a shout out to a certain mate of mine who celebrated his birthday over the weekend, and told me with starry eyes - "It was great, I was down in London, five hundred thousand people turned out for it."

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