Today's topic, for lack of a better one, is about The Curious Tale of Mr. Kennedy, uncover policeman turned rogue environmental activist.
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Image courtesy of the Guardian. Environmentalist look courtesy of Police stereotyping. |
Kennedy infiltrated an environmentalist group in 2000, as I am lead to believe, with the exact purpose of I'm-not-really-sure, as most environmental activists I know usually enjoy a good chat over a bowl of cous-cous and some poster making. Perhaps he could inform his superiors of the advantages of buying shares in the tofu industry. I'm not sure. Anyway, seems like the cops left Kennedy out in the cold for a little bit too long, since recently he agreed to testify in the defence of people he was paid to spy on.
Now, either Kennedy is a complete genius, who decided that the best and most ironic way of funding protests would be to get a job as an undercover cop, or maybe he had a gribbly attack of conscience which led him to believe that sending people to jail for saving the earth from catestrophic meltdown was a little excessive. Who know's why Kennedy did exactly what he did, but his promise to testify in the defence of activists led to the collapse of one trial.
However, its not exactly all sunshine and lolipops. Undercover piggy has set up a company or two, some activists claim these companies are to cash in on the knowledge and trust Kennedy gained while infiltrating political groups. In other words, to keep making money out of grassing people up. Kennedy isn't too popular with the police, either, who claim that he has put police lives at risk. This is a rather strong statement, as killing undercover cops is not really a smart thing to do at any point, but you can't help but feel that the majority of the green movement would probably just try to hug him to death. As political activism goes, they're not exactly ETA.
In the massive double helping of oddity, Mark also listed another activist who was undercover in Leeds. That, personally, is a little disconcerting as I was at University in Leeds at the time, but given that I probably never met her and there is nothing illegal about eating soup and complaining about politicians, it seems my own worthlessness has saved me on that one. Lyn Watson is the lady in question, and while the face and name is unfamiliar, the people and places are a little bit disturbingly real.
Wrapping it up, I guess there isn't really a lot to say on the matter. Some cops infiltrated some green groups. More undercover police are out there, going about their business attempting to undermine people's tendancy to do ideologically motivated nice things. I'd like to chalk a couple of experiences and conversations in Leeds up to political paranoia and a sure fire belief that everyone was out to get them because they were so filled with their own self-importance that they actually believed there could be a copper behind every face. I've always been a bit cynical of people's motivations, but police agitators is a little bit hard to swallow. Seeing that they're not particularly far off the mark, I guess the security conscious activists get the last laugh on me.
The metaphorical laugh, that is, because right now, I bet I'm not the only one who isn't smiling.
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