Friday, 31 December 2010

Desolation Beyond Tears

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I'm not particularly interested in crystals, astrology and all that other jazz that desperate people cling to. So when I decided to have a tarot reading on December 31st, 2009, I was only mildly preturbed when my future, indicated by the Ten of Swords, decided that my life was mainly going to consist of "desolation beyond tears", possibly with a smattering of tears before the bone-crushing futility of not being able to cry kicks in. So has it been a year of absolute desolation? Has reality melted into a warped vision of a dsytopian future? Are we all dddddoooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeddddd?

I would do a round-up of 2010 for everyone's benefit, of the main events in the world but quite frankly, I'm far too lazy. So here is the abridged version.

Earthquakes, fire, flood, global terrorism, domestic terrorism, plane crash, plane grounding, bad weather, great weather, swine flu, bird flu, flu, flu vaccines, charity, austerity, Conservatives, Liberal Democrats, cuts, unemployment, reality television, round-ups of reality television, immigration, emmigration, celebrity deaths, celebrity marriages, anger, apathy, and "something must be done!"

So, really, its not been terribly apocalyptic by any standard, which further reinforces my belief that tarot cards are a massive pile of fail designed to part fools from their money. Call me cynical, but I'm waiting for the Four Horsemen to ride out before I believe this year has been anything more than a little below average. Anyway, New Years Eve is hardly a time for people to be filled with misery and regrets.

Going back to the start, no one really knows what the future has in store, although for the remainer of this post anyone who guesses "lashings of cliche'" will probably be right. Turth is, 2011 could be the best damn year of anyone's entire life, just as much as the world could end in 2012. So, more philosophically, I guess, you've just got to make the best of it. Anyone who is familiar with Neil Gaiman's fantastic series The Sandman may remember that cute little goth girl, the anthromorphic personification of Death. And when Death does her rounds in one story, she comes across a little baby complaining that it hadn't really had a fair shot at life. Sounds a bit grim, I suppose, but I think its good to remember.

"You got the same as anyone else. One lifetime."

So maybe 2010 hasn't been a fantastic year for many people, if you want to brood one it. Anyway, you've got a whole lifetime to get it right. So chin up, raise a glass, and be of good cheer.

Happy New Year everyone.

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