It is not entirely without precedent that two unspeakably great evils collide for the betterment of humanity. Darth Vader threw the Emperor down a big hole in Star Wars, for example. And its always those moments that really make me smile. So you'll understand that having been paroozing the internet for awhile now, I always get a grin whenever I come across the Marmite vs BNP fight.
It's fairly ludicrious, to be honest. Unilever, one of those faceless and evil corporations expected to rule the known universe by 2050, have been poking fun at our homegrown comedy baddies*, the BNP. The advertising campaign involving the "Hate Party" more more-than-a-little-bit resembles Griffin and his ilk. For those familiar with Marmite's particular brand of advertising, you either love Marmite, or hate it.
Now, Griffin, despite being Cambridge educated, seems to be a bit slow on the uptake. Thinking the he can ride on the back of the more successful "Hate Party" for the elections, Griffon tacks a giant pot of Marmite into the top left corner of his party political broadcast. Somewhere, the heavens darkened and there was a shift in the very fabric of reality. What had begun as some light-hearted baiting by Unilever had ended up with them being associated with actual hatred and real-life facists. Not exactly the publicity they wanted. So what would you do if you were and evil, world spanning corporation with almost limited resources and endless reach and influence?
Unilever Strikes Back
If anything, my opinion on Marmite doesn't really matter. It's not about Marmite anymore, so Marmite lovers need not worry. Quickly the situation turned into Unilever doing their best impression of Samuel Jackson in Pulp Fiction, striking down with "great vengeance and furious anger" those who attempt to poison and destroy their advertising. Dramatic, yes, but undoubtedly funny. Because as soon as you read the article, it becomes apparent that the BNP is in real trouble over sandwich spread, which is ridiculous enough, but that it has also resulted in a rumoured £170,000 lawsuit which will in no uncertain terms, leave them destitute.
I could really go on forever explaining just how hilarious it is that after years of militant anti-facism, the BNP's real enemy is nothing more innocuous than a contraversial sandwich filler. But really, I don't have time. And I don't think I need to.
*I wondered if a bunch of dangerous bigoted racists constituted to comedy baddies, but given the nature of the article, I decided that they'd managed to make a sterling effort at being dignified and serious. That alone was hilarious, and any subsequent pounding by an MNC just leaves me with a huge grin and a quirky, cheerful song on loop in my head. So yeah, comedy villains, at least for this post.
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