I now have four jobs for anyone who doesn't know, in what we in Britain call the 'Public Sector' but in some fresh hell like America they just call us the 'feds or something. This had led to developing the moniker in some circles of being 'That Government Boy'. Actually, it's a Red Dead Redemption quote, but fuck you.
Stealing liberty from the masses, as usual. |
I've been working sixty hour weeks recently, which a lot of people have suggested makes me rich. The important thing to remember is that working sixty hour weeks at minimum wage is that you are still working for minimum wage. The only quantifiable way to get rich working on the minimum wage is to work 1000 hours per week. Which is unfortunately 832 hours more than the immutable laws of time permit. So no, I'm still poor, and I'm not really much better off than when I was working 30 hours a week at a higher rate of pay. Once you factor in the couple of quid difference and the rate of taxation, I'm nowhere near able to justify the stolen hours of my life versus the complete shit that I spend it on.
There is a lesson there kids: Basic maths.
That said, I do enjoy my jobs.Which isn't to say I don't go to bed every night praying for the inevitable nuclear holocaust.