The fantastic thing about internet blogs is they have a tendancy to be a good idea under certain circumstance. They are carried through in a manner by which the writer desires to appear humourous and important, but probably comes across as nacarssitic and self righteous. So if you came here expecting anything less, more fool you, I guess.
The second most fantastic thing about internet blogs is in their moment of conception, the consumation of ego and internet, the mind reels from the wonderous rantings that you could publish - for free - for the whole world to read. Delusions of internet fame flicker at the edges of consciousness, begging you to write something funny, thoughtful or clever. You can be an instant celebrity.
Then it all crashes down. You come to a shocking realization that you actually have nothing important to say. You've failed. There will be no internet fame for you, only the desperate and infrequent scrabbling and head scratching as you try oh-so-hard to...
Maintain a thought long enough to make it into a coherant post for the legions of imaginary fans that exist purely within the darkest recesses of your attention deprived mind. No, this isn't about me. Its about the internet, and what it does to human beings. Its both a blessing and a curse, like the cruel sun that burns at your sleep deprived eyes as you stumble, like a newly reawakened bear, out of the bedroom and trip over the remains of last night's takeaway and empty bottles of vodka. If you know what I'm talking about, you need professional help.
Speaking of professional help, my kitchen might be flooding. That'd really suck.